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Outdoor Snap




Best Photo Shooting Spot In Hong Kong with Qipao



※外拍攝影的方案價格皆不包含 旗袍/妝髮和一切其他費用

※可選擇來店和攝影師一同出發 或 攝影地點集合


★ 攝影方案,所有照片均只提供簡易光線、色彩調整。精修身材體態,修改背景等修飾服務需時,另加收費,敬請見諒。


Vintage Central Snap Plan

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 


In the Central and Sheung Wan area, Hong Kong's architectural heritage is preserved. There are also many colorful murals , wearing our colorful elegant cheongsams to walk around the Central District to record the most authentic aspect of Hong Kong.


Choi Hung Estate Snap Plan

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 


香港就有一道幸運彩虹,位於 彩虹邨 。

彩虹邨早在 1962 年落成。彩虹邨為人熟悉及最吸引的地方就是七彩繽紛的屋邨的外觀。屋邨外牆分別塗上紅、橙、黃、綠、青、藍、紫這彩虹七色。

Meet the rainbow, it is a kind of lucky peace. If you can immerse yourself in this happiness every day, it is wonderful.

Hong Kong has a lucky rainbow in Choi Hung Estate. Choi Hung Estate was completed as early as 1962.  the familiar and attractive place of Choi Hung Estate is the appearance of colorful housing estates. The outer walls of the estate are painted with seven colors of rainbow color. 

情懷舊式屋邨 - 南山村外拍方案 

Vintage HK Public Estate - Nam Shan Estate Snap Plan

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 




Nam Shan Estate is a classic old-style housing estate structure. The ground floor and the underground floor are the shopping malls. Above the shopping mall is the platform playground. The squared open space is surrounded by buildings surrounded by three walls, and there are strong contrasts between the densely packed units and the vast open space. The arched climbing frame in the centre of the open space suddenly became the focus of the composition. 

中國特色 - 黃大仙廟外拍方案 

Traditional Chinese Style- Wong Tai Sin Temple Snap Plan

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 



Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most famous temples in Hong Kong. There are other traditional Chinese buildings such as the Three Sanctuaries, the Great Hall and Garden in the temple. Traditional Chinese cultural features appear everywhere.

中環懷舊星巴克 - 電影感拍攝方案 

Central Vintage Stakbucks- Movie style photography service

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 



Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Sin Temple is one of the most famous temples in Hong Kong. There are other traditional Chinese buildings such as the Three Sanctuaries, the Great Hall and Garden in the temple. Traditional Chinese cultural features appear everywhere.

西式歷史建築 - 香港大學拍攝方案 

Western historic buildings - The University of Hong Kong Snap

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 



The University of Hong Kong has a history of more than 100 years. There are many Western historic buildings in it. It is suitable for the one who like photography, literature and romance.


Sai Wan Snap Plan

【外拍時間】1小時 /2小時 【Booking Time】 1hr / 2hrs

【來店時間】自定 Flexible   【Staring time】Flexible 

西環不止只有好多老店小店, 還有很多歷史悠久的建築物及電車站,隨時可以影出舊香港味道,重點是西環碼頭海景,黃昏時分拍日落別有一番風味。


Western District has more than just a lot of old shop shops. There are also many historic buildings and tram stops that can taste the taste of old Hong Kong at any time. The focus is on the seascape of the Western Harbour Ferry Pier during Sunset moment. 

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